Pengaruh Knowledge Management Capability Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi Dengan Dynamic Capability Sebagai Mediasi

Nava Pasia Imaniyah, Moh. Rifqi Khairul Umam


The importance of companies in improving knowledge management skills can affect many things in organizational performance. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of knowledge management capability on the performance of the organization that is with the dynamic capability as an intervening variable. The population in this study amounted to 84 employees by using saturated sampling technique. The technique of collecting the data in this research is to use the distribution of questionnaires through of google form. Questionnaires were distributed to 84 employees, but those who entered and filled the link on google form only 47 employees. Data analysis in this research is using path analysis, data analyzed by using software of IBM SPSS 20.0 for windows statistic. Based on the results of this study, knowledge management capability has a significant positive effect on dynamic capability. Dynamic capability has a significant positive effect on organizational performance and knowledge management capability has a significant positive effect on organizational performance. In this research for intervening variable that is dynamic capability give positive influence between knowledge management capability to organizational performance.


Keywords: knowledge management capability, dynamic capability, and organizational performance.

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